Getting Stuff Done Like a Boss
- Instructor:: [[Tiago Forte]]
- Source::
- Tags:: [[Course]] [[GTD]] [[Productivity]]
What's a Workflow?
- Understand key principles of GTD
- Create a personalized system using digital tools
What is a workflow? A workflow is a series of containers and checklists.
Containers to stay organized
Checklists to take action
5 Phases of GTD
GTD is: "A toolset toolset to help people focus their energy strategically and tactically without letting anything fall through the cracks"
It is about automating as much of productivity as possible so we can focus on the best parts
Status quo = crisis response mode, there are psychological benefits that trick us into thinking it is better
5 Phases
- Collect everything into one place
- Process each thing to clarify outcomes
- Organize reminders
- Review regularly
- Do the actions
Open Loops on Your Mind
The first step is to have a comprehensive task list to capture everything
Stress is caused by mishandling commitments
Uncaptured commitments are called Open Loops
Challenge: Every Open Loop needs to be written down, no matter how trivial
How to Capture Open Loops
Start with the inboxes. This can include apps, recorders, task managers, email, etc...
3 Rules:
- Every loop must be captured in an inbox
- You must have as few containers as possible
- You must empty them regularly
For step 2, start by installing a task manager
Then setup one digital container and one physical one
Unit 3: Processing tasks
3 rules for processing
- Process top item first
- Process one at a time
- Never put anything back in the inbox
First question
Second question, is it actionable?
If it isn't actionable, send it to trash, someday/maybe, or your reference system
Next step is to setup a reference container (in this case Evernote)
After this should have a concrete and comprehensive list of tasks that are highly actionable
Let's Get Physical and Specific
What's the next physical action for each item?
Physical action because it is hard to decide exactly what needs to be done, whereas focusing on physical actions makes it very concrete
Most items in the task manager are actually projects that need to be broken down by several levels and next physical action identified
Lots of words used for todo items that are unclear: "set meeting", "decide on", "check out", "organize", etc...
Linked References
- brain
- 05/04/20 Pushing up some updates that have been building up over the last few days. Including new notes on [[BASB]], and a new note on [[Getting Stuff Done Like a Boss]]