Tags: #[[What I Know]]
- Tags are the most basic element of HTML. They are the building blocks that contain the stuff that goes on the site.
- They may be either opened and then closed with a closing tag, or they may be self closing.
- Order of closing is important, treat the same as parenthesis.
- Examples:
- Closing tags:
<div><p>Some Content</p></div>
- Self Closing:
<br />
- Closing tags:
- "Important Tags:"
- "
Heading tags. Use for titles, subtitles, and other things that provide structure to the page. No hard and fast rules for when to use what." - "
<p>Some Text</p>
Paragraph tags. Only text, do your writing in here." - "
<a href="">Google</a>
Anchor tags. Used for links. Put the link inside the href. href is an attribute (attributes covered later)" - "
Division tag. This is a box that other things go into. No meaning in itself, just a container." - "
Container for small pieces of text. Used for targeting specific bits of your content for custom styling and behavior." - "
Ordered lists (numbered) and Unordered lists (bulleted).<li>
is a list item element. List items must live inside of one of the list types. " - ""
- "