Steal Like An Artist
- Author: Austin Kleon
- Tags: [[Books]]
- Summary:
- Steal Like An Artist
- All the best artists find the ideas worth stealing.
- No ideas are fully unique, everything is built on what comes before
- Combining ideas creates more than the sum of its parts
- Look for good quality inputs into your life. Don't let garbage in.
- Don't just look at your favorite people, also look at their favorite people
- Keep educating yourself, be curious about the world and draw from it
- Keep a swipe file to store the best ideas you find. Capture quotes, designs, colors, and anything else worth stealing.
- Don't Wait Until You Know Who You Are To Get Started
- You have to just start and find yourself as you go
- Copy people you respect, try to emulate their work
- Don't copy from a single individual, copy from many. This amalgamation of ideas will turn into your own unique voice.
- Write The Book You Want To Read
- Don't just write about what you know, write about what you like
- Try to write a sequel to all your favorites combined into one
- Think about what your favorite people might have created if they worked together, and try to make that thing
- Use Your Hands
- It is hard to unlock creative ideas solely in front of the computer
- Setup a physical workstation for yourself. Use paper and scissors and tape and put the ideas together in visual ways.
- Once the idea is set, move back to the computer to bring it to life
- (How could I do this with programming? Maybe more paper prototyping? Designing system architectures and schemas on paper first?)
- Side Projects And Hobbies Are Important
- Side projects allow for productive procrastination. Have projects you can switch between so that when you get bored of one you have a productive way to spent your time anyway
- Take time to be bored, mess around, wander. It will lead to great insights.
- Don't throw away interests. Pursue a variety of different things as hobbies or more. You won't know how it all connected together until you look back.
- The Secret: Do Good Work And Share It With People
- College makes us feel like people care what we think, and that illusion is shattered the moment we enter the real world
- "Enjoy your obscurity while it lasts. Use it"
- Not-so-secret formula to being known: Do good work and share it with people
- Practice and keeping working until you can do good work
- Put things on the internet to share it
- Get interested in things and share those interests, don't worry about keeping secrets, just share
- Use the internet to develop ideas and evolve your process, keep publishing and improving, and allow your audience to hold you accountable
- Geography Is No Longer Our Master
- We can find mentors anywhere in the world now
- Build a community online, you aren't constrained to your location
- Build a world around you that you enjoy
- Find solitude for yourself. Bring a book, a notebook, and pen, and find a place to sit, think, and give yourself a bit of space and a bit of time
- Sometimes you do need to leave home. You need to feel uncomfortable and train yourself to see the world differently.
- Find a place with bad weather. It will force you to stay inside and work.
- "You have to find a place that feeds you--creatively, socially, spiritually, and literally."
- Be Nice. (The World Is A Small Town)
- Make friends on the internet, don't be mean, be nice instead
- Spend time around people smarter than you. The people you follow should inspire you to be better.
- "If you ever find that you're the most talented person in the room, find a new room"
- Get angry as inspiration, but don't get in fights, instead channel that anger into getting shit done
- "Complain about the way other people make software by making software" - Andre Torrez
- Write public fan letters. Show appreciation for someone's work without doing it in a way that requires them to respond.
- Don't look for external validation, it probably won't come, just keep busy doing work you want to do
- Keep a [[praise file]]. Don't overuse it, but take advantage of when your work is noticed and people appreciate you, keep those things as a reminder for when times are tough
- Be Boring. (It's The Only Way To Get Work Done)
- Take care of yourself. You need energy to be creative, so keep yourself healthy enough to have energy, and don't waste it being stupid.
- Try to be good with money. Learn about it, set a budget, avoid debt.
- Keep the day job. It will give you a routine, financial stability, and people around you to learn from.
- A job takes away your time, but giving you a routine is really valuable. Take advantage of that, and use that routine to keep doing your work every single day.
- Get a calendar and use it to stay on track. [[Don't Break The Chain]]
- Keep a logbook of what you do every day. Don't worry about making it a journal of thoughts and feelings, just record where you go to lunch, the things you work on, and who you may have met up with.
- Find the right person to marry. Find someone to keep you grounded and that improves and appreciates your life as a chaotic creative.
- Creativity Is Subtraction
- Place constraints on yourself to get past paralysis of choice.
- For creative work, limitations = freedom
- The things left out of a piece of work can be what gives it character.
- "In the end, creativity isn't just the things we put in, it's the things we choose to leave out"
- Next Steps
- Take a walk
- Start your swipe file
- Go to the library
- Buy a notebook and use it
- Get a calendar
- Start a logbook
- Give a copy of the book away
- Start a blog
- Take a nap
- Book Recommendations
- What It Is - Lynda Barry
- Ignore Everything - Hugh Macleod
- Rework - Jason Fried, DHH
- The Gift - Lewis Hyde
- The Ecstasy of Influence - Jonathan Lethem
- Reality Hunger - David Shields
- Understanding Comics - Scott McCloud
- [[Bird by Bird]] - Anne Lamott
- Flow - Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
- Make a World - Ed Emberly
Linked References